Wednesday 18 June 2008

Alistair Darling - 'Take A Pay Cut'


Im fuming. The goverment messes up the finances, doesnt realise the fallout from the credit crunch, when all the signs were there and now says to Bosses do not give your employees a raise. Now as a CEO of An SEO Company ( you would think I would be happy about this, wrong!!!.

I believe my employees should be rewarded for working hard, and im sorry but if they deserve above inflation wages, then its either they get a bonus or I get more profit, which seems fairer?

Im sorry Mr.Darling your problem, you deal with it

Sunday 15 June 2008

cremation or Burial


A morbid topic I know but an important one. Ive just been to the crematorium to visit my grandma and grandad, and as a latter day saint (Mormon), it seems cremation is frowned upon and burial is better, as it allows the spirit to leave easier. The cematorium seems a much more relaxing place, with swans and a relxaing atmosphere that I would love my family and friends to remmeber me by, rather than a graveyard which always seems quite spooky, as though hands are going to come out of the soil and grab your foot. They are unkept and cold headstones.

I guess what im thinking is this isnt for me but for people I leave behind. The truth is I normally do not think of things like this, having no funeral arrangements planned, but when our time is up in this mortal coil, we need to think about leaving at easy as possible for those we leave behind.

Saturday 14 June 2008

The petrol Crisis Looms

So Ive just heard we have another petrol strike on our hands. Now im not sure of all the in's and outs of this, but it seems petrol prices are rising, housing prices are rising, things are spiralling out of control.

For anybody who remmebers the last time we had a petrol strike it wasn't a pretty site. In fact as far as I remmember this is what caused the demise of most the petrol pumps in my area. Ive just across this crazy idea while browing the net. Sounds quite plausbile though!. Run your car on Water. There is a video, and instructions telling you what to do. Might have to start doing this soon, leave me more money for the finer things in life.

A blog about....Everything

Hi there,

As part of my job as an seo (Search Engine Optimizer) I spend a lot of time with blogs and social networking. Alas most of it is targeted for somebody campaign and so I do not get to write what like. Its left me feeling blocked. There is so much going on in the world and I want to comment on it. So I will. No subject will be left untouched. Politics/Religion/Sex/health whatever.

I really hope you enjoy it and please feel free to add anything you wish.